Corresponding Organizer:
Javier Jimenez
(Aeronauticos U Politécnica Madrid)
Chaired by:
Prof. Francisco Marques
Mon, 03/07/2023
08:00 - 09:00
08:00 - 09:00
Corresponding Organizer:
Marc Avila Cañellas
(ZARM, University of Bremen)
Chaired by:
Dr. Alvaro Meseguer
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Chaired by:
Prof. Xavier Ruiz
(Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
A Data-driven non-equilibrium wall model for LES of transitional flows
S. Radhakrishnan , O. Lehmkuhl -
Turbulent wake flow prediction of marine hydrokinetic turbine arrays in large-scale meandering river using physics-informed convolutional neural network
Z. Zhang , A. Khosronejad -
Study of the dispersion of pollutant over fence a using DALES and High Order Dynamic Mode Descomposition (HODMD) analysis
J. Sanchez Martinez , P. Costa , J. Tomas , S. Le Clainche , M. Pourquie -
Turbulent Closure for Sediment Transport Using Symbolic Regression Based on DNS Data
Y. Stöcker , C. Golla , R. Jain , J. Fröhlich , P. Cinnella
Chaired by:
Prof. Luis Parras
(Universidad de Málaga)
Drag reduction in simplified geometries of blunt vehicles by means of different base blowing strategies
J. Camacho-Sánchez , C. García-Baena , M. Lorite-Díez , C. Gutiérrez-Montes , J. Jiménez-González , C. Martínez-Bazán -
Aerodynamic forces and wake structure on a 2D model of a vehicle in ground effect
P. Solís-García , K. Zerzeri , M. Nouailli , L. Parras , E. Durán-Venegas -
Drag Reduction of a Squareback Ahmed Body Using Rear Flexible Devices
J. Muñoz Hervás , J. Camacho Sánchez , M. Lorite Díez , J. Jiménez González , C. Martínez Bazán , O. Cadot -
Automatic Parameter Selection for Model Predictive Control for Fluid Flows
L. Marra , A. Meilán-Vila , S. Discetti
Chaired by:
Prof. Jordi Ortín
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Photocatalytic Janus Microswimmers as Micro-stirrers?
M. Bailey , F. Grillo , F. Paratore , L. Isa -
Brownian dynamics and spontaneous rotation of a Janus particle in a polymer solution
N. D'Auria , P. Martínez Lera , M. De Corato -
Simulating Microswimmers under Confinement with Dissipative Particle (hydro)Dynamics
C. Barriuso Gutiérrez , J. Martín Roca , V. Vianco , I. Pagonabarraga , C. Valeriani -
Dynamic of a Microsphere inside an Spherical Cavity with Newtonian Fluid Subjected to Periodical Contractions
R. Castilla
Mon, 03/07/2023
11:15 - 12:00
11:15 - 12:00
Chaired by:
Prof. José Manuel Gordillo Arias de Saavedra
(Universidad de Sevilla)
Capture of airborne microparticles by an ultra fine electrospray
I. González Loscertales , A. Hijano Reyes , F. Higuera , J. Rivero Rodríguez -
Short and long term dispersion of airborne pathogen-laden aerosols expelled in a violent expiratory event
J. Pallares , A. Lavrinenko , S. Cito , A. Vernet , A. Fabregat -
Modeling Wildland Fire Spot Ignition by Metal Sparks: Fluid Mechanics Aspects
C. Fernandez-Pello , J. Urban -
The Fluid Mechanics of Splat Painting
D. Ávila García , L. Lacambra Asensio , J. Rodríguez Rodríguez , R. Zenit , L. Champougny -
Influence of "fresh" fluid encounter on the settling of particles in the dilute regime
M. Moriche , M. García-Villalba , M. Uhlmann -
When Slower is Faster: Understanding the Striking Clogging of Suspensions Through Constrictions
A. Marin , M. Souzy , E. Ortega-Roano , T. Weinhart , S. Luding , D. van der Meer
Chaired by:
Phd. Robert Castilla
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Using CFD simulation to evaluate the passive odour emission from open-roof tanks
A. Macias , F. Tagliaferri , M. Invernizzi , S. Vicent -
Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of the Transmittance of an AHU
P. Torres , R. Castilla , G. Raush , M. Morte , D. Moreno -
Implementing Multi-Factor Design for Vacuum Ejector Improvement through Comprehensive Analysis of Construction Parameters
L. Macià , R. Castilla , P. Gamez-Montero , G. Raush -
Flow effects of the radial gap on a centrifugal pump using deterministic analysis and cavitation measurements
J. Fernández , M. Galdo , R. Barrio , A. Vega , Á. Pardo , J. González -
Design and optimization of an InFlow Radial (IFR) turbine for Oscillating Water Column (OWC) devices
A. Vega-Valladares , B. Pereiras -
On the Role of Electrolyte Mixing in Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Tanks: CFD and Experimental Approaches
P. Prieto-Díaz , A. Trovò , M. Vera
Chaired by:
Prof. Carlos Martinez Bazan
(Universidad de Granada)
Aerodynamic enhancement of spanwise-flexible flapping wings via fluid-structure resonance
C. Martinez-Muriel , M. Garcia-Villalba , O. Flores -
Numerical simulation of flow around spanwise-flexible tandem flapping wings
C. Martinez-Muriel , M. Garcia-Villalba , O. Flores -
Two-way fluid-structure interaction for the study of advanced turbine control systems
C. Santoni , X. Yang , P. Seiler , F. Sotiropoulos , A. Khosronejad -
Cavity flow induced by a flexible membrane in an oscillatory channel flow: case study of syringomyelia
E. Duran-Venegas , C. Gutiérrez-Montes , W. Coenen , A. Sánchez , C. Martínez-Bazán -
An asymptotic analysis of cavity flow induced by a flexible membrane in an oscillatory channel flow: case study of syringomyelia
G. Lopez-Nozaleda , J. Alaminos-Quesada , W. Coenen , A. Sanchez -
CFD simulations of various heave plates using a lagrangian approach
J. Armañanzas , J. Fuertes , A. Torres , J. León , M. Gil
Mon, 03/07/2023
13:30 - 15:00
13:30 - 15:00
Chaired by:
Prof. Alvaro Marin
(University of Twente)
On the purely inertial collapse of gas cavities: Bubble bursting jets
J. Gordillo Arias de Saavedra , F. Blanco Rodríguez -
Effect of a wall boundary on the dynamics of high-Bond bubbles rising in a still liquid at different regimes
C. Estepa-Cantero , R. Bolaños-Jiménez , C. Martínez-Bazán -
Merging theory-based cavitation model adaptable with non-condensable gas effects
E. Hasani Malekshah , W. Wróblewski -
Bubble velocities induced by interactions in polydisperse confined inertial swarms
J. Ruiz-Rus , V. Roig , P. Ern , C. Martínez-Bazán -
The skating of impacting drops over gas or vapor layers
G. Riboux , P. García-Geijo , J. Gordillo -
Absence of diffusion in pilot-wave hydrodynamics
P. Saenz , A. Abraham , S. Malkov , F. Sazunic , M. Durey
Chaired by:
Prof. Henar Herrero
(Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Lagrangian Approach for Studying Stratospheric Flows during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
A. Alcalde , J. Curbelo -
On the entropy-viscosity method for flux reconstruction
B. Font , A. Miró , O. Lehmkuhl -
GPU-Accelerated Direct Numerical Simulations with an Immersed Boundary Method
J. Catalán Gómez , M. Guerrero Hurtado , M. García-Villalba , O. Flores Arias -
Tree-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement strategy for High-Order Immersed Boundary Methods
H. Kessasra , M. Cordero-Gracia , M. Gomez Lopez , E. Valero
Chaired by:
Dr. Elena Martín
(University of Vigo)
Frequency response of Batchelor vortex
C. del Pino , F. Blanco-Rodríguez , M. Garrido-Martín , L. Parras -
Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Active Injection Location on the Frequency Response of a Batchelor Vortex
M. Garrido-Martin , F. Blanco-Rodríguez , P. Gutierrez-Castillo , C. del Pino -
Experimental investigation of turbulent swirling jets
Exact coherent structures in a fully developed round jet
K. Deguchi -
Unraveling the Generation and Destruction Mechanisms of Arch Vortices in Urban Fluid Flows: A Comprehensive Analysis
E. Lazpita , Á. Martínez-Sánchez , S. Hoyas , R. Vinuesa , S. Le Clainche
Mon, 03/07/2023
16:30 - 17:00
16:30 - 17:00
Chaired by:
Dr. Oriol Lehmkuhl
(Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC))
Fast urban flow predictions through Convolutional Neural Networks
J. Calafell , J. Bustillo , S. Gómez , F. Ramírez , S. Radhakrishnan , O. Lehmkuhl -
Machine learning adaptation for laminar and turbulent flows: applications to high order discontinuous Galerkin solvers
K. Tlales , K. Otmani , G. Ntoukas , G. Rubio , E. Ferrer -
Learning extrapolation in the reconstruction and forecasting of a turbulent velocity flow field using Autoencoders and Singular Value Decomposition
R. Abadía-Heredia , M. Crialesi-Esposito , M. Lopez-Martin , L. Brandt , S. Le Clainche -
Machine learning based Viscous-Inviscid coupling for high order solvers
K. Otmani , G. Ntoukas , E. Ferrer
Chaired by:
Prof. Sebastian Altmeyer
(Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
Regularized four-sided Cavity Flows: A spectral Bifurcation Benchmark implemented in Julia
M. Waldleben , Á. Meseguer , O. Batiste , A. Alonso -
Self-sustainment, Period Doubling and Boundary Crisis of Subcritical Rotating Waves in Taylor-Couette Flow
B. Wang , R. Ayats , K. Deguchi , F. Mellibovsky , A. Meseguer -
Edge states alternation and period doubling cascades in subcritical Taylor-Couette flow
R. Ayats , B. Wang , K. Deguchi , F. Mellibovsky , A. Meseguer -
Linear Rayleigh-Taylor instability of rotating viscous fluids
A. de Andrea , J. Gandarias , L. González Gutiérrez
Chaired by:
Prof. Sergio Chiva
(Universitat Jaume I)
Thin films coating a solid cylindrical fibre: wetting and nonwetting scenarios
D. Moreno , A. Sevilla -
Dynamics of Dewetting Fronts: to Pinch or not to Pinch
M. Zürcher Guinea , D. Moreno Boza , A. Sevilla Santiago -
Evaluation and improvement of light transmittance for an optimal design of UV-C systems
D. Trifi , Ó. Prades-Mateu , S. Chiva , R. Martínez-Cuenca -
Capillary and non-linear damping mechanisms on 3D wavy thin liquid films
D. Barreiro-Villaverde , A. Gosset , M. Lema , M. Mendez
Tue, 04/07/2023
08:00 - 09:00
08:00 - 09:00
Corresponding Organizer:
Henar Herrero
(Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Chaired by:
Phd. Jezabel Curbelo
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Chaired by:
Dr. Raul Martínez Cuenca
(Universitat Jaume I)
Development of Local Capacitance Sensor for Two-Phase Measurements
O. Prades Mateu , G. Monrós Andreu , R. Martínez Cuenca , S. Torro Cueco , S. Chiva Vicent -
Shear stress measurements by Preston tubes
A. Vega , C. Miguel , A. Rodríguez , B. Pereiras -
Design and experimentation of a hydrokinetic turbine for electricity generation in closed pipes
J. Armañanzas , M. Alcalá , J. Fuertes , J. León , A. Torres -
Modelling the Catalytic Layer of a PEM Fuel Cell with Adsorption-Desorption Kinetics
Chaired by:
Prof. Oscar Flores
(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid )
Wall shear stress on an elastic boundary or structure
S. Ohl , H. Reese , C. Ohl -
Suspended mooring line static analysis using internal XFlow capabilities
M. Gil , A. Torres , J. Fuertes , J. Armañanzas , J. Leon -
Calibration of a porous surface model for fishing nets
S. Roget , M. Lema , A. Gosset -
Experimental Evidence of the Effect of Permeability on Falling Porous Plates
J. Sánchez Rodríguez , F. Gallaire
Chaired by:
Dr. Paloma Gutierrez-Castillo
(Universidad de Málaga)
P arametrically forced stably stratified flow
J. Lopez -
Bounding dissipation in Rayleigh-Benard convection
T. Alboussiere -
Temperature optimization in a gas reactor for the synthesis of carbon nanofibers: a numerical approach
M. Navarro , J. Valverde , E. Castellanos
Tue, 04/07/2023
11:15 - 12:00
11:15 - 12:00
Chaired by:
Prof. Marc Avila Cañellas
(ZARM, University of Bremen)
Fluidic Oscillators performance with shape modification and under incompressible and compressible flow
J. Bergadà Granyó , M. Baghaei -
Spectral analysis of the spatial evolution of energy-containing eddies
E. Kannadasan , C. Atkinson , J. Soria -
Turbulent Statistics and Coherent Structures in an Asymmetrically Heated Channel Flow
M. Garcia-Berenguer , L. Gasparino , O. Lehmkuhl , I. Rodriguez -
Convergence of numerical simulations for pipe flow
S. Hoyas , M. Piedrabuena , E. Kannadasan , H. NAgib , R. Vinuesa -
Interventional Causality Analysis of Fully Developed Turbulent Channel Flow
K. Osawa , J. Jiménez -
Smallest Box Sizes Sustaining Short-Streak Channels
C. Martinez-Lopez , O. Flores , J. Jiménez
Chaired by:
Prof. Stefano Discetti
(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Inclusion of a biochemical model for leveraging data-driven real-time CFD simulations in reactors
P. Barreda , S. Iserte Agut , R. Martínez-Cuenca , S. Chiva Vicent -
Fluid Dynamic Tool for Cardiac Diseases Analysis
N. Groun , M. Villalba-Orero , E. Lara-Pezzi , E. Valero , J. Garicano-Mena , S. Le Clainche -
Control of Facility´s Humidity Using a Digital Twin Based on Deep Learning and CFD Simulations
J. Luis-Gómez , R. Martínez-Cuenca , F. Martínez , J. Mascarós , Ó. Prades-Mateu , E. Borrás , S. Chiva -
Optimisation of open-loop control of convective heat transfer with genetic algorithms
R. Castellanos , J. Alfaro , I. Robledo , A. Ianiro , S. Discetti -
Comparison of predictive models for influent parameters in the inflow of Water Resource Recovery Facilities
A. González Barberá , S. Iserte Agut , L. Garcia Garcia , F. Piñuela Garcia , S. Chiva Vicent
Chaired by:
Prof. Carlos del Pino
(Universidad de Málaga)
Stable production of liquid jets with vanishing diameters via tip streaming
J. Montanero , M. Rubio , J. Eggers , M. Herrada -
Response of a Drop of Eutectic Indium-Gallium to an Electric Current
J. Otero Martinez , A. García Armada , J. Rodriguez Rodriguez -
Challenges in Modeling Inkjet Printing: Physical and Numerical Aspects
A. Hashemi , P. Ryzhakov , M. Hashemi , R. Rossi , N. Dialami , R. Zorrilla -
Evaluation of Experimental Artifacts in the Evaporation of Droplets on Fibers
M. Asrardel , T. Poonawala , Á. Muelas , J. Ballester -
Analysis of evaporating droplet dynamics using computational singular perturbation
L. Angelilli , P. Ciottoli , F. Hernandez Perez , M. Valorani , H. Im
Tue, 04/07/2023
13:30 - 15:00
13:30 - 15:00
Chaired by:
Prof. Carlos del Pino
(Universidad de Málaga)
Numerical Study of the Flow Past a Three-Element High-Lift Airfoil at Different Angles of Attack
R. Montalà , O. Lehmkuhl , I. Rodriguez -
On the effect of deformation in a wing model on the correlation of the lift slope
P. Gutierrez-Castillo , E. Durán-Venegas , N. Konovalov-Shishov , C. del Pino -
Aerodynamic forces in deformed wings
L. Parras , C. del Pino , P. Gutiérrez-Castillo , F. Blanco-Rodriguez -
Generation of Free-stream Perturbations in Direct Numerical Simulation for Low-Reynolds Aerodynamics
S. Olivieri , J. Catalán , O. Flores , M. García-Villalba -
Towards data driven reduced order models for the automotive industry
B. Eiximeno , A. Miró , I. Rodríguez , O. Lehmkuhl -
Experimental Measurements of Particle Dispersion and Concentrations in the Turbulent Wake of Ahmed Body and Effects of Rear Slant angle
M. Kumar , S. Veeravalli , M. Cholemari
Chaired by:
Prof. Julio Soria
(Monash University)
Cardiac-cycle inspired turbulent drag reduction
J. López , D. Scarselli , A. Varshney , B. Hof -
The effect of modulated driving on turbulent plane Couette flows
R. Ostilla-Mónico , W. Akhtar -
On the Aerodynamic Sound Generated by a Subsonic Flow Past a Circular Cylinder
C. Tur-Mongé , B. Eiximeno , O. Lehmkuhl , I. Rodriguez -
Turbulent puffs and slugs in pulsatile pipe flow
D. Morón Montesdeoca , M. Avila -
Spectral analysis of the spatial evolution of energy-containing eddies in turbulent boundary layers
A. Matas , E. Kannadasan , C. Atkinson , J. Soria
Chaired by:
Dr. Javier Ruiz-Rus
(Universidad de Jaén)
On the Numerical Simulation of Interfacial Rheology
A. Esteban , J. Tajuelo , P. Sánchez-Puga , M. Rubio , J. Hernández -
On the Limitations of the Level Set Method in the Simulation of Interfacial Flows Involving Contact Lines
P. Gómez , A. Esteban , F. Berlanga , C. Zanzi , J. López , J. Hernández -
The impact of the convection on the melting process for different g levels
D. Dubert , M. Simon , J. Massons , F. Gavaldà , X. Ruiz -
Multicomponent Transport in OpenFoam (laminarSMOKE)
B. Naud , A. Cuoci , M. Arias-Zugasti -
Shear-Induced Phase Separation of Chemically-Responsive Polymer Solutions
M. De Corato , M. Arroyo -
Pattern selection during thermocapillary-driven melting in microgravity
P. Salgado Sánchez , J. Porter , I. Tinao , A. Laveron Simavilla
Tue, 04/07/2023
16:30 - 17:00
16:30 - 17:00
Chaired by:
Dr. Daniel Fernández Galisteo
Experimental evidence of the multiplicity of stationary solutions in ultra-lean hydrogen flames
R. Palomeque Santiago , A. Dominguez , M. Rubio Rubio , D. Martínez-Ruiz , E. Fernández-Tarrazo , M. Sánchez-Sanz -
Premixed flames in narrow heated circular channels: steady-state solutions, and linear stability analysis
V. Kurdyumov , D. Fernández-Galisteo , C. Jiménez
Chaired by:
Dr. Josep M Bergadà
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
A Joule-Thomson Process of a Vapor with Condensation and Evaporation Through Anodic Alumina Membranes
T. Loimer , J. Sodagar-Abardeh , D. Petukhov , S. Podgolin -
Production of long micrometer jets of weakly viscoelastic liquids.
M. Cabezas , A. Rubio , E. Vega , F. Galindo-Rosales , A. Gañán-Calvo , J. Montanero
Chaired by:
Dr. Kengo Deguchi
(Monash University)
Ferrofluidic wavy Taylor vortices under alternating magnetic field
S. Altmeyer -
Stability of Magnetohydrodynamic Shock Waves
A. Calvo-Rivera , C. Huete , F. García Rubio , A. Velikovich -
Linear Stability Analysis of a Two-Layer Channel Flow with a Train of Solid Particles Flowing Parallel to the Interface
D. Ruiz-Martín , J. Rivero-Rodríguez , M. Sánchez-Sanz -
Floquet Stability Analysis of a Two-Layer Oscillatory Flow near a Flexible Wall
A. Barcenas-Luque , C. Martinez-Bazan , C. Gutierrez-Montes , W. Coenen
Wed, 05/07/2023
08:00 - 09:00
08:00 - 09:00
Corresponding Organizer:
Miguel Rubí
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Chaired by:
Dr. Arantxa Alonso
Chaired by:
Mr. Miguel Rubí
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Beads, bubbles and drops in microchannels: stability of centred position and equilibrium velocity
J. Rivero-Rodriguez , J. Capello , Y. Vitry , A. Dewandre , B. Sobac , B. Scheid -
Analytical solutions for vanadium membraneless micro redox flow batteries operating under different current regimes
M. de las Heras , S. Ibáñez , M. Vera , A. Quintero -
Drainage–Imbibition Cycles in a Model Open Fracture: Capillary Jumps, Hysteresis, Memory, and Dissipation
J. Ortín , R. Holtzman , R. Planet , M. Dentz -
Use of nanofluids in energy applications
R. Mondragón Cazorla , L. Hernandez Lopez
Chaired by:
Dr. Vadim Kurdyumov
Influence of Preferential Diffusion on the Dynamics of Laminar Bidimensional Premixed Hydrogen Flames
P. Koumides , E. Pérez-Sánchez , D. Mira , J. García- Tíscar , M. Rodríguez-Pastor -
Numerical study of propagation patterns of lean hydrogen-air flames under confinement
A. Dejoan , D. Fernández-Galisteo , V. Kurdyumov -
A Hybrid Predictive Reduced Order Model for Laminar Flames
A. Corrochano , R. Freitas , A. Parente , S. Le Clainche -
Single-step chemistry validation in turbulent flame cases
A. Millan Merino , S. Taileb , M. Tayyab , S. Zhao , P. Boivin
Chaired by:
Prof. Juan Lopez
Numerical Investigation of Cavitation Effects on the Vortex Shedding Behind a Wedge
Vortex-induced vibrations of a rigidly linked pair of circular cylinders
F. Huera-Huarte -
Experimental and numerical study of vortex induced vibrations on bluff bodies immersed in a water open-channel
E. Martin , F. Sastre , A. Velazquez -
Parametric instability analysis of the flow past a square cylinder in the interface of two different-velocity streams
R. Elmansy , J. Bergadà Granyó , F. Mellibovsky
Wed, 05/07/2023
11:15 - 12:00
11:15 - 12:00
Chaired by:
Prof. Sergio Hoyas
(Universitat Politècnica de València)
On the stability of wall-bounded flows at high-pressure transcritical fluid conditions
M. Bernades , F. Capuano , L. Jofre -
Heat transfer control in a turbulent boundary layer with Large-Eddy Breakup devices
Q. Li Hu , F. Foroozan , S. Discetti , A. Ianiro -
A dual-grid approach for dispersed-flow simulations in turbulence
M. Schenk , G. Giamagas , F. Zonta , A. Soldati -
Hydrogen Injection and Turbulent Mixing Processes Using a Porous Plate Injector
D. Rodríguez Gutiérrez , A. Gruber , R. Gómez Miguel , M. Sánchez Sanz , E. Fernández Tarrazo -
Prediction and modelling coherent structures and noise radiation of supersonic twin jets
D. Rodriguez , I. Padilla-Montero -
Coherent Structures in Twin Supersonic Jets Obtained From High-Speed Schlieren Measurements
I. Padilla-Montero , D. Rodríguez , V. Jaunet , S. Girard , D. Eysseric , P. Jordan
Chaired by:
Mr. Manuel Garcia-Villalba
(TU Wien)
In-vitro Experimental Characterization of the Transmantle Pressure in the Cerebral Aqueduct
F. Moral-Pulido , S. Sincomb , O. Campos , C. Martínez-Bazán , V. Haughton , A. Sánchez -
Fluid Mechanics of saliva transport during human respiratory events: Insights gained using DNS
W. Oaks , H. Seyyedzadeh , M. Sanchez Sanz , A. Khosronejad -
On the effect of trabeculae on steady streaming in the subarachnoid space
G. Lopez Nozaleda , J. Alaminos Quesada , W. Coenen , A. Sanchez Perez -
A noninvasive method to determine intracranial pressure fluctuations from MR measurements of cerebrospinal fluid flow in the spinal canal
W. Coenen , S. Sincomb , V. Haughton , A. Sánchez -
Multi-Fidelity Models for Thrombosis Risk Evaluation in the Left Heart Using Patient-Specific Data
M. Guerrero-Hurtado , M. Garcia-Villalba , E. Duran , A. Gonzalo , P. Martinez-Legazpiz , A. Kahn , J. Bermejo , J. del Alamo , O. Flores
Chaired by:
Dr. Fernando Mellibovsky
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Exploring the Artificial Compressibility Method in High-Pressure Transcritical Fluids
A. Abdellatif , J. Ventosa-Molina , J. Grau , R. Torres , L. Jofre -
Scramjet oblique shock waves reflection via 2D and 3D CFD analysis
J. Gracia i Sanz , D. Zurita Sánchez , J. Bergadà Granyó -
A High-Order Lagrange--Galerkin Method for Compressible Flows
M. Colera -
On the wake dynamics of the flow past a subsonic and transonic circular cylinder
I. Rodriguez , B. Eiximeno , L. Gasparino , C. Tur-Mongé , J. Muela , O. Lehmkuhl -
Taylor-Maccoll Equations Modification Implemented to Double-Cone Configuration
D. Zurita Sánchez , J. Gracia i Sanz , J. Bergadà Granyó
Wed, 05/07/2023
13:30 - 15:00
13:30 - 15:00