MON 4.3 Thin Films and Coating Flows
Chaired by:
Prof. Sergio Chiva (Universitat Jaume I , Spain)
Prof. Sergio Chiva (Universitat Jaume I , Spain)
Scheduled presentations:
Thin films coating a solid cylindrical fibre: wetting and nonwetting scenarios
D. Moreno*, A. Sevilla -
Dynamics of Dewetting Fronts: to Pinch or not to Pinch
M. Zürcher Guinea*, D. Moreno Boza, A. Sevilla Santiago -
Evaluation and improvement of light transmittance for an optimal design of UV-C systems
D. Trifi*, Ó. Prades-Mateu, S. Chiva, R. Martínez-Cuenca -
Capillary and non-linear damping mechanisms on 3D wavy thin liquid films
D. Barreiro-Villaverde, A. Gosset*, M. Lema, M. Mendez