MON 1.2 Aerodynamics I
Chaired by:
Prof. Luis Parras (Universidad de Málaga , Spain)
Prof. Luis Parras (Universidad de Málaga , Spain)
Scheduled presentations:
Drag reduction in simplified geometries of blunt vehicles by means of different base blowing strategies
J. Camacho-Sánchez, C. García-Baena*, M. Lorite-Díez, C. Gutiérrez-Montes, J. Jiménez-González, C. Martínez-Bazán -
Aerodynamic forces and wake structure on a 2D model of a vehicle in ground effect
P. Solís-García*, K. Zerzeri, M. Nouailli, L. Parras, E. Durán-Venegas -
Drag Reduction of a Squareback Ahmed Body Using Rear Flexible Devices
J. Muñoz Hervás*, J. Camacho Sánchez, M. Lorite Díez, J. Jiménez González, C. Martínez Bazán, O. Cadot -
Automatic Parameter Selection for Model Predictive Control for Fluid Flows
L. Marra*, A. Meilán-Vila, S. Discetti