MON 3.1 Bubbles and Drop impact
Chaired by:
Prof. Alvaro Marin (University of Twente , Netherlands)
Prof. Alvaro Marin (University of Twente , Netherlands)
Scheduled presentations:
On the purely inertial collapse of gas cavities: Bubble bursting jets
J. Gordillo Arias de Saavedra*, F. Blanco Rodríguez -
Effect of a wall boundary on the dynamics of high-Bond bubbles rising in a still liquid at different regimes
C. Estepa-Cantero*, R. Bolaños-Jiménez, C. Martínez-Bazán -
Merging theory-based cavitation model adaptable with non-condensable gas effects
E. Hasani Malekshah*, W. Wróblewski -
Bubble velocities induced by interactions in polydisperse confined inertial swarms
J. Ruiz-Rus*, V. Roig, P. Ern, C. Martínez-Bazán -
The skating of impacting drops over gas or vapor layers
G. Riboux*, P. García-Geijo, J. Gordillo -
Absence of diffusion in pilot-wave hydrodynamics
P. Saenz*, A. Abraham, S. Malkov, F. Sazunic, M. Durey