MON 2.2 Industrial Applications I
Chaired by:
Phd. Robert Castilla (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya , Spain)
Phd. Robert Castilla (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya , Spain)
Scheduled presentations:
Using CFD simulation to evaluate the passive odour emission from open-roof tanks
A. Macias*, F. Tagliaferri, M. Invernizzi, S. Vicent -
Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of the Transmittance of an AHU
P. Torres*, R. Castilla, G. Raush, M. Morte, D. Moreno -
Implementing Multi-Factor Design for Vacuum Ejector Improvement through Comprehensive Analysis of Construction Parameters
L. Macià*, R. Castilla, P. Gamez-Montero, G. Raush -
Flow effects of the radial gap on a centrifugal pump using deterministic analysis and cavitation measurements
J. Fernández, M. Galdo, R. Barrio, A. Vega*, Á. Pardo, J. González -
Design and optimization of an InFlow Radial (IFR) turbine for Oscillating Water Column (OWC) devices
A. Vega-Valladares*, B. Pereiras -
On the Role of Electrolyte Mixing in Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Tanks: CFD and Experimental Approaches
P. Prieto-Díaz*, A. Trovò, M. Vera