TUE 6.1 Turbulence I
Chaired by:
Prof. Marc Avila Cañellas (ZARM, University of Bremen , Germany)
Prof. Marc Avila Cañellas (ZARM, University of Bremen , Germany)
Scheduled presentations:
Fluidic Oscillators performance with shape modification and under incompressible and compressible flow
J. Bergadà Granyó*, M. Baghaei -
Spectral analysis of the spatial evolution of energy-containing eddies
E. Kannadasan, C. Atkinson, J. Soria* -
Turbulent Statistics and Coherent Structures in an Asymmetrically Heated Channel Flow
M. Garcia-Berenguer*, L. Gasparino, O. Lehmkuhl, I. Rodriguez -
Convergence of numerical simulations for pipe flow
S. Hoyas*, M. Piedrabuena, E. Kannadasan, H. NAgib, R. Vinuesa -
Interventional Causality Analysis of Fully Developed Turbulent Channel Flow
K. Osawa*, J. Jiménez -
Smallest Box Sizes Sustaining Short-Streak Channels
C. Martinez-Lopez*, O. Flores, J. Jiménez